Logout user:
Confirm the logout.

If you disconnect the user, all data and
settings stored in memory, will be lost.

Warning! Molecule Modify Exit.

By clicking [OK] you will quit the procedure to modify a molecule LOOSING ALL CHANGES in data, otherwise press [Cancel] to resume editing.

Warning! Molecule Modify Exit.

By clicking [OK] you will quit the procedure to modify a molecule LOOSING ALL CHANGES in data, otherwise press [Cancel] to resume editing.

Molecules Search

Advanced Search
The advanced search is based on SMARTS, (SMiles ARbitrary Target Specification) a language for specifying sub-structural patterns in molecules. The SMARTS notation allows extremely precise and transparent sub-structural specification and atom typing. For most comprehensive descriptions, tutorial, examples of the SMARTS see Daylight Website .

*Attention. There will be no check on the correctness of the SMARTS syntax!

SMARTS pattern